Sabtu, 14 November 2009


Name : Mahasin Maulana Ahmad
N R P : 4309100704
TPB Class : 16


Internet is one of the information media that many people use it. Almost of people in the world use internet to get new information. Several bussinesman said that “we can’t get money if our life without internet”. The people use internet on the ground of internet is easy and simple way and we can get complete information.
Internet is also a part of life for student in university, so they can’t lecture without internet. Internet for student in university is very important because with internet they can accomplish their task from university-level instructor well and maximal. With internet we can get the latest information in our university,for example we can know scholarship information for achievement student, student who have problem in financial. Beside that, we can know about our achievement result ( IP ) and etc. For scholar, we also can look for job vacancy. And the other hand, with internet we can look for new friend in friendster, facebook and we can also write news in our blog and many others function from internet.
But, some student use internet for negatife thing. They download porn picture and videos, send false gossip in blogspot and the seriuos problem in this time is many people addicted in facebook, they beside oneself, they forget in time,forget for eat,forget for pray and forget for all of thing. they wasting time only for facebook.
So, it’s clear that the internet function for student is help them foor their lecture, because if they have some task, they must browsing internet to get new information to complete their data. If they have graduated from university and be a scholar they can lookfor job vacancy from internet.

6 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. the essay who write mahasin is okay, but the title for mahasin's essay very general.

  3. the essay is very good and conjunction between words by words and paragraph by paragraph is okey

  4. its ok i think.... but make the unique title again to interest the reader....

    So, it’s clear that the internet function for student is help them foor their lecture, because if they have some task, they must browsing internet to get new information to complete their data. If they have graduated from university and be a scholar they can lookfor job vacancy from internet.

    please give the right space...

  5. okay... i like this one.... it's the best of your other writing. i'm speech less in this essay....
